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Four encastrable Hisense BI64213EPB à 299,99€ ( ODR 50€)
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 [International] Walking In The Sun - Inscriptions

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Pen Spinner

Messages : 11
Date d'inscription : 16/10/2012

[International] Walking In The Sun - Inscriptions Empty
MessageSujet: [International] Walking In The Sun - Inscriptions
[International] Walking In The Sun - Inscriptions I_icon_minitimeMar 23 Jan 2018 - 19:55

Hi FPSB, HoW* from PHPS asked me to post this here. He is organizing a collab searching for short, smooth combos and with a maximum deadline of february 20th. It sure will be nice to see some french spinners there. You can join via UPSB:

UPSB post
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[International] Walking In The Sun - Inscriptions

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